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Golnar Bokaei | گلنار بكائی

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Practice area
English, Farsi
Hoffman-Bokaei Solicitors
42 Station Rd, Edgware
United Kingdom
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Golnar Bokaei

Golnar Bokaei of Hoffman-Bokaei Solicitors is the managing Partner of the firm. She is an inspiring, warm and approachable Iranian businesswoman who demonstrates dedication, focus and commitment to achieve objectives and meet tight deadlines on every goal she sets for herself. She is an effective communicator and a natural leader with excellent interpersonal skills and a good sense of humour who can develop and motivate others to achieve optimum performance.

She is  a resourceful and dynamic individual, with considerable commercial acumen which she has gained through working with high profile organisations.

Her vast and diverse legal experience enables her to be pragmatic and practical. She predominantly is instructed on Family, litigation, company , commercial acquisition and immigration work.

Neither  her  legal work nor her  passion for law has ever stopped her from undertaking community and other non-profit work, such as fundraising and supporting charities.

She is currently  a local councillor in London Borough of Barnet, an executive officer for Hendon Conservative association, co-chair of the Business Club NW London , a trustee for Barnet Refugee Services, Daniel and Nicholls Home and a member on the  board of trustees of Courtland school in Mill Hill as well as being a Patron of LSCF charities.

گلنار بكائی

قابل توجه ایرانیان مقیم خارج کشور

درخصوص کلیه دعاوی کیفری و حقوقی اعم از مدنی و خانوادگی ، اداری ، ثبتی در ایران این دفتر امکان ارایه خدمات دارد، ضمناً به هر دلیلی ملک یا املاک شما در ایران مصادره شده باشد ما قادربه تشکیل پرونده نسبت به بازگرداندن اموال شما هستیم و همچنین برای حقوق بازنشستگی هموطنان خارج از کشور که حقوق آنها به هر دلیلی قطع شده می توانیم اقدام قانونی نماییم

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Golnar Bokaei | گلنار بكائی

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