Shirin Taghavi | شیرین تقوی
7191 Yonge St
7191 Yonge St Markham, ON L3T 0C7
خدمات ما
- اقامت دایم
- ویزای تحصیلی
- ویزای کاری
- درخواست تجدید نظر
- تمدید کارت اقامت و پرونده شهروندی
- طلاق
- قرارداد پیش از ازدواج
- قرارداد جدایی
- دعاوی مالی
- دعاوی تجاری
Criminal Law: •Domestic Assault •Assault •Shoplifting •Sexual Assault •Impaired Driving •Drug Offenses •Other Criminal Matters We accept Legal Aid certificate.
Immigration Law: •Permanent residence application •Student Visa/Permit •Work visa/Permit •Appeal •PR card renewal and citizenship applications
Family Law: •Divorce •Prenuptial Agreements •Separation Agreement
Shirin is a Toronto-Based lawyer and founder of Taghavi Law. She holds a Master of Laws degree from Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto, and a Bachelor of Laws from Tehran University.
Shirin is licensed lawyer in Ontario and after several years of experience in Toronto, opened her own law practice in 2018. With her background in Business law, Shirin’s practice is focused on Criminal and Immigration Law.
She also has a background in Business law and can assist you with you civil/business disputes. Shirin is focused on providing the very best solutions that meet the needs of her clients. No case is too big or too small.
Shirin Taghavi | شیرین تقوی