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Shahrooz Mahmoudian | شهروز محمودیان

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3.53 (36)
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LL.B. University of Montréal
English, Farsi, French
507 Place d'Armes
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Shahrooz Seyed Mahmoudian
Lawyer, Founding Partner

Shahrooz S. Mahmoudian is an avid litigator with notable experience in commercial, family, pharmaceutical, and real estate litigation. He also has a breadth of experience in matters of corporate law and financing, estate litigation, and arbitration.

He has acted as arbitrator on different complex commercial litigation. He has acted as an expert in Canadian Family law before different foreign jurisdictions such as the Unites States of America’s courts.

As a trial lawyer, Me Mahmoudian has pleaded in front of all judiciary instances of the Province of Québec as well as the Federal courts, as such, he frequently pleads in front of the Superior Court and Court of Appeal.


With many years of experience on the board of different corporations, Me Mahmoudian is uniquely positioned to confront challenges faced by businesses as well as individuals in order to provide practical and effective solutions to resolve same.

LL.B. University of Montréal

Bar Admission:
Québec, 2011

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Shahrooz Mahmoudian | شهروز محمودیان

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