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Shahram Bahmadi | شهرام بهمدی

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3.40 (10)
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Practice area
B.Sc. (Hons.), LL.B., LL.M.
English, Farsi
JurisLexPro PC
345 Renfrew Dr Unit 102
L3R 9S9
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Dealing with legal issues by yourself is immensely challenging. At Bahmadi law, we are happy to assist you in facing legal challenges. When you contact our office for a free consultation, you will get personal advice on your case and a considered summary of your options for moving forward.


Our office is located in Richmond Hill, Ontario, and our practise keeps flexible hours, so you can quickly find a time to confer with your lawyer face to face. We assist clients with:


  • Personal injury lawsuits
  • Real estate transactions and title issues
  • Business law such as incorporation and contracts
  • Tax law
  • Wills, estates, and powers of attorney
  • Notary public services
  • Immigration and visa services


We always have a quick response when you have a question. We’re available Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, and Saturday or Sunday by appointment. We’re here when you need us! We keep abreast of every detail of your situation. Visit our office at a convenient time to discuss the status of your case.

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Shahram Bahmadi | شهرام بهمدی

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Shahram Bahmadi | شهرام بهمدی
(30 days)
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