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Sahar Azizi | سحر عزیزی

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Dari, English, Farsi, German, Spanish, Urdu
Azizi Law Firm
Neuhauser Str. 3
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Attorney Sahar Azizi studied law at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich from 2011 to 2017.

She then completed her legal traineeship at the Munich Higher Regional Court. After her legal traineeship and working for several months at the law firm Sander & Colleagues, Ms. Azizi passed the second state examination in law. During her studies and traineeship, she worked as a legal clerk at the Bavarian State Medical Association. During her four and a half years at the chamber, she was responsible for reviewing employment contracts. During her work she was able to gain extensive practical experience in individual and collective labor law, in particular collective bargaining law, youth labor protection and protection against dismissal.

Ms. Azizi has lived in Germany since 1993. During her studies, she organized events for the Amnesty International Munich University Group and took part in several projects. In addition, as a refugee helper at the Arbeiterwohlfahrt München Stadt (AWO Munich), Ms. Azizi was responsible for advising and supporting refugees from Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan. She was able to gain extensive practical experience in the asylum procedure and the administrative court process.

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Sahar Azizi | سحر عزیزی

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Sahar Azizi | سحر عزیزی
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