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Arezou Piroozi | آرزو پیروزی

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Practice area
English, Farsi
Piroozi Law Group
509 S 6th St,
Las Vegas
NV 89101
United States
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Piroozi Law Group, PLLC. is committed to providing you with top notch legal support. We approach every client with a focus on integrity, advocacy, and understanding. We fight for you!


Arezou H. Piroozi, Esq.
Arezou H. Piroozi earned her J.D. Degree from Golden Gate University School of Law in 2003. Ms. Piroozi soon joined two local law firms, where she worked for five successful years.


Ms. Piroozi believed that in starting her own practice, she could be more effective in helping people deal with a variety of legal issues. In 2009, Ms. Piroozi founded Piroozi Law Group, PLLC.


Since then, Ms. Piroozi has represented numerous high-profile clients in State and Federal Courts. Piroozi Law Group, PLLC. has allowed Ms. Piroozi to fully realize her passion for helping people at all levels of litigation and protection.


Ms. Piroozi provides pro bono legal help through the Children’s Attorney Project through the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada. This program provides children in foster care or abuse and neglect proceedings with free legal representation.


Ms. Piroozi is active in a number of professional organizations including the Nevada Bar Association and the American Immigration Lawyer’s Association. Arezou treats every client with respect and integrity. Each client’s case is treated with exceptional care and attention.

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Arezou Piroozi | آرزو پیروزی

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Arezou Piroozi | آرزو پیروزی
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