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Amir Ahmadi | امیر احمدی

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Practice area
English, Farsi, Spanish
Law Offices of Tim D. Wright
1112 W Burbank Blvd #302
Los Angeles
United States
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Amir Ahmadi, Esq.

Personal injury lawyer in California.

At law offices of Tim D. Wright we serve clients from Southern California.

Our practice areas:

Car, Truck, Bike, Motorcycle, and Pedestrian Accidents

Slip and Fall Accidents

With over 30 years of experience, we are very proud of our long list of returning clients and are experts in representing plaintiffs in personal injury cases.

We specialize in multi-million dollar high-profile cases.

At the Law Offices of Tim D. Wright there are five standards that we hold ourselves to: honesty, access, excellence, performance and communication.

We are with you at all steps of the process as well as making sure you have access to the proper medical facilities to address your bodily injuries

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Amir Ahmadi | امیر احمدی

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Amir Ahmadi | امیر احمدی
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