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Alireza Dorostkar | علیرضا درستکار

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English, Farsi
Dorostkar Immigration
7368 Yonge St Unit 10A
L4J 1V8
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Ali Dorostkar is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) and a member of Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC). He is also a licensed paralegal and a member of Law Society of Upper Canada. Dorostkar Immigration Services Inc. is a Canadian corporation with two offices in Richmond Hill and Thornhill, Ontario. We specialize in different areas of the Canadian immigration law.


We have handled numerous successful files and have a track record of many satisfied clients. What makes us services exceptional is the fact that we will listen to you, analyze your case and offer you a customized solution that suites your needs.

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Alireza Dorostkar | علیرضا درستکار

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Alireza Dorostkar | علیرضا درستکار
(30 days)
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