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Farham Naqavi | فرهام نقوی

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4.14 (7)
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Practice area
English, Farsi, Spanish
Naqvi Injury Law
9500 W Flamingo Rd #104
Las Vegas
NV 89147
United States
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Farhan Naqvi has well over a decade of experience representing injured clients. Prior to that, he worked as an insurance defense lawyer, so he understands how the other side thinks. Farhan was voted Top Lawyer by both Vegas INC and Desert Companion magazines.

He has successfully handled more than 4000 cases and has never lost a jury trial. Many of Farhan’s cases actually come from other lawyers who rely on his expertise. Farhan has published articles in the area of personal injury law and he frequently lectures on the topic. He currently holds the highest possible rating by both Martindale-Hubbell (“AV”) and Avvo (10.0 – Superb).

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Farham Naqavi | فرهام نقوی

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Farham Naqavi | فرهام نقوی
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