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Elena Mazinani | النا مزینانی

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3.55 (22)
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Practice area
B.A., LL.B., LL.M
Dari, English, Farsi, Spanish
Mazinani Divorce Lawyers
225 Sheppard Ave W
ON M2N 1N2
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Elena is the founding lawyer of Mazinani & Associates. She received her Honours B.A. from York University and her LL.B. from University of Ottawa. She is fluent in Spanish, Farsi and Dari.


Elena is currently an LL.M. candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School, specializing in Civil Litigation and Dispute Resolution.


She has handled a wide range of civil and commercial disputes. Elena has many years of experience as a family lawyer and has advocated for her clients at all court levels in Ontario including the Court of Justice, Superior Court of Justice, Divisional Court and the Court of Appeal.


Elena has defended various individuals facing criminal and quasi-criminal charges in the Ontario Court of Justice and Superior Court of Justice. She is passionate about criminal defence and has trial and appeal experience.

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Elena Mazinani | النا مزینانی

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Elena Mazinani | النا مزینانی
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